World Literature - France - General Books

Swimming in Paris: A Life in Three Stories

Colombe Schneck



Jeanette Winterson



Marion Brunet



Joy Sorman


Sleepless: A Memoir of Insomnia

Marie Darrieussecq


The Dance Tree

Kiran Millwood Hargrave


You Never Knew Me

Marty Almquist


The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette

Carolly Erickson


A Month in Provence

Gillian Harvey


First on the Rope: The Classic of French Literature

Roger Frison-Roche


What You Need from the Night

Laurent Petitmangin



Thierry Jonquet


Heart Restoration Project

Beth Merlin and Danielle Modafferi



Michel Houellebecq


The Diary of a Chambermaid/Gamiani

Alfred de Musset and Octave Mirbeau


Eleanore of Avignon

Elizabeth DeLozier


Célestine Du Bac

Tatiana de Rosnay
