Microbiology Books

This Is Your Brain on Parasites: How Tiny Creatures...

Kathleen McAuliffe


Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical...

Claus Köhnlein, Torsten Engelbrecht, et al.



John W Waterhouse


The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and...

Erica Sonnenburg and Justin Sonnenburg


Microbe Hunters

Paul de Kruif


Gut Feelings: The Microbiome and Our Health

Alessio Fasano and Susie Flaherty


Viruses: A Very Short Introduction

Dorothy H. Crawford


Microbiomes: A Very Short Introduction

Angela E. Douglas


Killer Germs: Microbes and Diseases That Threaten Humanity...

Barry E. Zimmerman and David J. Zimmerman


The Return

Roberto Bolaño
